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5 Women’s Supplements for the New Year


One way to start the new year off right – or get it back on track – is by selecting supplements that are made with natural ingredients and formulated to meet your body’s specific needs. For women, depending on their life stage, this means looking for supplements that can address needs particular to women, including breast health, menopause, PMS, and pre- and post-natal support.

Whether you want a multivitamin supplement formulated for women or specifically to support the needs listed above, you can start with these five supplements from Integrative Therapeutics, New Chapter, Douglas Laboratories, Seeking Health, and Garden of Life.

Breast Health

Indolplex – Integrative Therapeutics

Indolplex from Integrative Therapeutics contains 240 milligrams of a more bioavailable form of DIM (diindolylmethane). This formula is designed for hormone balance. Diindolylmethane, or DIM, is a substance derived from vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage. DIM may help to support hormone balance and breast health by helping regulate normal estrogen metabolism. Indolplex utilizes a more stable, bioavailable form of DIM that is more easily absorbed; you can use Indolplex to support healthy hormone balance and estrogen metabolism.


Estrotone Herbal Hormonal Balance – New Chapter

Estrotone Herbal Hormonal Balance from New Chapter is a daily supplement that seeks to support hormone balance and wellness, which is of particular importance to women experiencing menopause (and women who are pre- or post-menopausal). Estrotone Herbal Hormonal Balance contains no hormones or estrogen. Instead, it uses a targeted combination of supportive ingredients, such as full-spectrum black cohosh, schizandra berry, ginger, chaste tree extract, rosemary leaf extract, and evening primrose oil, to support hormonal balance and healthy aging.


PMS Support with BioResponse DIM – Douglas Laboratories

PMS Support with BioResponse DIM from Douglas Laboratories is specially formulated to support women dealing with premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. PMS Support with BioResponse DIM uses a unique combination of ingredients, including chaste berry extract, magnesium, vitamin D3, iron, B vitamins, and BioResponse Diindolylmethane (DIM) complex to support PMS symptoms and overall reproductive health. Additionally, the inclusion of chaste berry and BioResponse DIM in this formulation provide additional support for promoting normal prolactin levels and hormonal balance.


Optimal Prenatal Capsules – Seeking Health

Optimal Prenatal Capsules from Seeking Health is a prenatal vitamin formulated for expecting moms. Optimal Prenatal Capsules contains a unique, comprehensive prenatal formula that helps meet the high nutritional needs of women who are pregnant or preparing for pregnancy. This comprehensive formula contains a blend of necessary amino acids, chelated minerals, vitamins, and activated folates to support maternal health and fetal development. The vitamins featured in this formulation include a B vitamin complex, which includes two active forms of vitamin B12, additional biotin,  vitamin A in two forms (beta-carotene and retinyl palmitate), and vitamin C and coenzyme Q10 to provide antioxidant support. Optimal Prenatal Capsules also contain other supportive ingredients, such as active B6 and ginger to support digestion, and red raspberry leaf to help support circulation, uterine comfort, and digestion.

Women’s Multivitamin

Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal Vitamin – Garden of Life

Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal Multivitamin from Garden of Life is a women’s supplement formulated and appropriate for the nutritional needs of expecting or new moms (during pre-conception, pregnancy, and lactation) and their developing babies. But this raw, whole-food based formula may provide comprehensive health support to women regardless of whether or not they are pregnant. That’s because Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal Multivitamin supports immune system health (both for moms and babies), healthy digestion, heart and blood health, skin health, and healthy neural tube development. It does this with raw food-created iron, vitamins C, E, and B-Complex, plus folate; immune-system enhancing probiotics; 800 mcg of raw food-created folate; ginger, vitamins A and D, zinc, copper, iron, and more. All vitamins in this blend are uncooked, untreated, and unadulterated, with no binders or fillers.

What women’s supplements for the new year are you excited to try?

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