Updated on January 11, 2024.

Written by Kathleen Scala AP DOM

Use Antimicrobial Silver Hydrosol for First Aid Support

There is no such thing as a "silver bullet." But because silver has many safe and efficacious applications, consider it a must-have for your household. Silver directly kills infectious microbes (including bacteria, viruses, and fungi) by attacking their oxygen-metabolizing enzymes, and essentially suffocating them. If you are suffering from a cold, for example, silver may be able to offer relief. By acting as a natural astringent, it can help calm swollen tissue, which in turn can make breathing easier. Its oxygen-rich content also helps increase the rate of healing. In addition to a quick recovery, it has the benefits of not tasting or looking like medicine. In fact, it behaves and tastes like water. Silver particles have worked this way for centuries, but we have only recently begun to learn the extent to which silver can heal and boost immunity.

Sovereign Silver™ from Natural Immunogenics is the first "true silver hydrosol" with the smallest particle size ever produced at .8 nanometers. The particles in this formula are so small that they are actually measured on the picoscale, which is even smaller than the nanoscale, meaning their health-supporting properties are even more dynamic and bioavailable than those found in formulas using nanoparticles. The solution of ultra-pure water and silver is created using an electromagnetic process that creates particles only when elemental silver is provided with a positive charge. Natural Immunogenics has shown that this process assures that each bottle contains at least 96% active picoscalar particles. With a low silver concentration of only 10 ppm, Sovereign Silver outperforms competing solutions with up to 1,000 ppm, according to studies performed by a third-party laboratory.

Sovereign Silver is a safe, effective, low-dose, versatile product that appears to exemplify the unique characteristics that make silver such a promising material.

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